Uses for Vicks VapoRub

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Vicks is a great solution for the congestion associated with colds and allergies. But Vicks VapoRub isn’t just good for congestion; it has a bunch of other uses you’ve probably never thought of! Get rid of toenail fungus: Spread a little Vicks on your toes every night before bed, then put a sock over it (to keep it from getting all over your sheets, yuck). The nail will start to grow back healthier and fungus free. Feel free to wear sandals again! Stop the cat from scratching: Cats hate the scent of Vicks, so rub a little on the areas in your home you want them to avoid. It will prevent them from trying to claw your couch, rip your curtains, and sharpen their nails on your carpet. Relieve sore muscles and arthritis: Rub some Vicks into it! Vicks has some anti-inflammatory properties that are great for achy muscles and arthritic joints. Just rub it in like you would body lotion into the affected spot and let it soak in. Get rid of headaches: Got a bad headache you just can’t seem to shake? Rub a little Vicks on your temple. It won’t get rid of migraines or really bad headaches, but it will help to relieve those annoying, little headaches you get from allergies, dehydration, or heat. Get rid of ticks: Ticks hate Vicks, which is great news for us! Smear a little Vicks near the tick and he’ll probably let go. Make sure you’re ready to kill him after he’s let go! No more mosquitos: Putting a little Vicks on your ankles, near your shoeline, and some on your neck will chase away mosquitoes. They won’t be able to “smell” your blood over the scent of the Vicks. Since Vicks is safe for everyone over the age of two, the whole family can be bug bite-free! Keep the pooch from marking his territory: Does your puppy like to mark his territory over and over again in your house? Take the spots he usually marks and rub them with some Vicks. It will cover his scent and help prevent future accidents on your couch and carpet. Insect bites: Since Vicks has some great anti-inflammatory properties, it can help relieve the swelling and itchy from spider, mosquito and other bug bites. Just rub a little bit over the infected area and the swelling should go down in a few minutes!

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