Savory ham and melted cheese wrapped in a flaky croissant is all the motivation you need.
How to Make Croissant Dough:
This recipe is basically a variation on our plain Milk Bread Croissants. In that post, we provide detailed descriptions, tips, and step-by-step images showing how to make a delicious buttery croissant dough. The basic steps are as follows: Just follow the directions right up until the shaping step (Step 4 of that croissant recipe), and pick up from there to assemble the ham and cheese version.
How to Make Ham and Cheese Croissants:
To make 4 very large croissants, roll the dough out into a 9 x 18 inch (20x45cm) rectangle. To make six smaller croissants, roll the dough into an 8 x 22 inch (20x56cm) rectangle. Use a sharp knife to trim the edges on all 4 sides of the rectangle. This straightens the edges and sharpens the corners. It also exposes the layers of dough and butter, which will enhance the croissants’ puff. Cut the dough into four equal 4½ x 9 inch (11x20cm) pieces (for large croissants) or into 6 equal 3½ x 8 inch (9x20cm) pieces (for smaller croissants). We did the larger croissants this time! Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Divide the ham and cheese into 4 portions for larger croissants (¾ ounce/20g each) or 6 portions for the regular croissants (½ ounce/14g each) Arrange the ham and cheese (they can be in pieces) in a small 3×3-inch (7.5×7.5cm) square. Place ham and cheese in the middle of the dough rectangles. Fold both sides of the dough over the top so they overlap. Place on the prepared baking sheet so they are seam-side down, spaced at least 2 inches (5cm) apart. Cover the croissants with a clean, dry kitchen towel. Let them proof on the counter for about 90 minutes at about 70-75°F (21-24°C). The croissants should look puffy and light after proofing. Arrange a rack in the middle of the oven, and preheat to 425°F/220°C. Gently brush each croissant with the egg wash, avoiding the laminated edges as best you can. Bake the croissants for 6 minutes, then rotate the pan 180° and bake for another 6 minutes. Then reduce the oven temperature to 350°F, and continue baking for another 15 to 18 minutes (again rotating them hallway through for even baking) until they’re an even golden brown. Remove from the oven and let cool for at least 15 minutes before enjoying. When we make 4 big croissants, we usually split them and each enjoy half. If you make 6 croissants, here’s what those look like!