You more than likely have the two necessary ingredients on hand already: all purpose flour (you can also use bread flour) and water. It couldn’t be easier!  If you’re making dumplings for Chinese New Year coming up, try making them with these homemade dumpling wrappers. Get family and friends involved. Making and enjoying these together is part of the celebration!

Why Make Your Own Dumpling Wrappers

We are longtime users and proponents of the store-bought dumpling wrapper. We’ve used both homemade and store-bought across various recipes over the years, but sometimes we really prefer this homemade dumpling wrapper recipe!  Here are a few reasons why you might want to make your own dumpling skins: 

Texture: This is the biggest “foodie” case for making your own wrappers. Homemade dumpling wrappers have a chewier, more satisfying texture than store-bought wrappers, which can occasionally be a bit dry. We like making our own dumpling dough particularly for shuijiao (boiled dumplings), where the juiciness of the filling and the texture of the wrapper are key. It’s also ideal for steamed dumplings. 

Eh, who are we kidding? They’re great fried too!

Freshness: If you’re planning on enjoying your dumplings fresh (very soon after making them), homemade dumpling dough will complement your fresh filling best!  You can’t find dumpling wrappers near you: If you can’t find dumpling wrappers in your area, you can make your own with this recipe (try our Chicken Zucchini dumpling filling, which uses easy-to-find ingredients!). It’s one of those rare “substitutions” in which you’re not really missing out on anything. You’re actually closer to the real thing! In China, many households make their own dumpling wrappers or buy them fresh from market vendors that sell handmade wrappers and noodles.  You accidentally didn’t buy enough dumpling wrappers: This has happened to me more times than I care to admit. I didn’t buy quite enough dumpling wrappers for the amount of filling I made, so I was left with a significant ball of filling with nowhere to go! In those cases, I can make a quick ball of dough with flour and water to assemble the rest of my dumplings! 

It’s also pretty easy! You just mix the flour and water (either in a bowl by hand, or in a stand mixer with the dough hook attachment). Then you let the dough rest for about an hour, so it can become smooth and pliable. After that, you just cut it into pieces, roll them out, and start assembling! 

Adjust the Amounts Based on Your Needs

In the recipe card at the end of this post, 1 “serving” is 1 dozen wrappers. Click on the number of servings, and slide the scale up or down depending on how many dozen wrappers you want to make.  The full recipe here makes 8-9 dozen dumplings, which is about the size of the batches we normally make. Dumplings freeze extremely well, so we tend to make a very large batch for future meals! 

Our Dumpling Fillings: 

Try pairing our dumpling wrapper recipe with these dumpling fillings! 

Pork Dumplings with Leafy Greens (bok choy, shepherd’s purse, etc.) – Our Original Recipe Vegetable Dumplings  Pork & Celery Dumplings Pork & Chive Dumplings Shandong Pork & Fish Dumplings Chicken & Mushroom Dumplings Chicken Zucchini Dumplings  Beef Dumplings

And serve them with our chili oil and our perfect dumpling sauce! 

Dumpling WRapper Recipe Instructions

Add the flour to a large mixing bowl or in the bowl of a stand mixer. (Weight measurements will always be more accurate than cups/spoons, so if you have a kitchen scale, use it!) Gradually add the tepid water to the flour and mix into a smooth dough (either by hand or with the dough hook attachment on low speed). This process should take about 5 minutes, as the dough will look shaggy and dry at first, and need some time to absorb all the liquid.  If using a stand mixer, you may need to stop the mixer and bring the dough together with your hands. Knead by hand into a ball. At this point, the dough will feel quite stiff, and might not be completely smooth. This is normal. Place the dough back into the mixing bowl, and cover with an overturned plate (or transfer to another airtight container). Let the dough rest at room temperature for 1 hour. After the dough has rested, knead it a few times until smooth. It should feel much more pliable! Divide the dough into quarters. Work with one quarter at a time, leaving the remaining dough pieces covered so they don’t dry out.  Cut the dough into small pieces (about the size of half a marshmallow); more precisely, the piece of dough for each wrapper should weigh about 12-15g. Using a lightly floured rolling pin on a lightly floured surface, roll the dough out into a 3.5 inch (9cm) circle, turning the dough a quarter turn left or right with each roll to keep it even.  Generally, it is best to assemble the dumplings as you roll out the wrappers. Add about 1 tablespoon of filling to the center… And squeeze the dumpling closed… Or pleat according to our instructions on how to fold dumplings. Just make sure that the wrapper isn’t too thin in any spots, or it might break during cooking.  Repeat to assemble all the dumplings!

Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 10Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 96Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 52Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 13Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 52Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 52Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 99Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 52Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 30Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 18Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 46Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 91Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 7Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 43Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 39Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 42Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 83Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 22Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 99Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 54Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 75Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 91Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 49Foolproof Dumpling Wrapper Recipe  - 59