A Chinese Dinner Needs Soup!

For a lot of Chinese families, dinner isn’t complete without a soup to go with it. I was thinking about making soup the other day, and oxtails were what I had on hand. While making an entire pot of soup every night may sound daunting, this particular soup recipe is exactly the kind of thing that demonstrates just how easy it is! There are only six ingredients (two of which are simply water and salt).

Chinese Soups vs. Western Soups

Chinese soups in general are brothier and lighter than some of the heavier soups you see in Western cooking, and they’re also very nourishing! In this particular recipe, onions and turnips round out the meaty flavor of the oxtails, and the result is a balanced, surprisingly light, and subtle soup. There really aren’t any special cooking techniques to speak of either—just time and patience. All you need to do is skim the fat off the top of the resulting liquid. Also, I want to mention to dispose of the grease in the garbage! (It helps to let it cool and solidify first). Don’t pour it down the drain, or you’ll ruin your pipes!

Chinese Oxtail Soup: Recipe Instructions

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Rinse the oxtails under cold running water, and pat dry with a paper towel. Arrange them on a baking sheet and roast for 30-40 minutes.  Add 12 cups of water to a stockpot. Add the onions and roasted oxtails, and bring to a boil. Immediately turn the heat down to a very low simmer. (Avoid letting the heat get to high, or you’ll boil off all your liquid!). Simmer for about 6 hours (the longer the better) with the lid covered. Remember to skim off the fat periodically. About 30 minutes before you’re ready to serve, add the Chinese turnip or daikon radish. Simmer until tender, and salt the soup to taste. Serve your oxtail soup garnished with chopped cilantro.

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