When I say I loved popsicles, no popsicle was neglected. There were the 50-cent cherry popsicles for when I was short on change with the ice cream man, classic fudgsicles that never disappointed, the expensive and much coveted strawberry and lemon fruit puree bars, and the occasional orange creamsicle. There was also more than one occasion in which I tried to make them myself. Some juice (usually orange) would get clumsily poured into paper cups or ice cube trays, with popsicle sticks crookedly protruding, or maybe even toothpicks in a desperate pinch. Every attempt to carry out what I thought was a fairly simple procedure was botched! Why? My ratios were always off. Too much water in our pre-frozen mixtures, and I ended up with a vaguely fruity ice cube that didn’t have much flavor. Of course, I was working with my own 7 year-old ingenuity, and this was before artisanal popsicles became a thing. These Yogurt Popsicles, however, are the perfect blend of fruit, dairy, and sugar to yield a refreshing, flavorful treat.

4 Simple Ingredients (With Important Notes!)

This recipe features just 4 simple ingredients. I have some comments on each one!

Use Your Popsicle Imagination!

Making yogurt popsicles is the perfect way to use summer fruit and experiment with different combinations. We did a tropical fruit version (mango and golden kiwi––pineapple would also be delicious):

Mixed berries (you can use fresh OR frozen fruit):

And a strawberry banana version (perfect for kids)!

And when peaches are in full swing here in NJ, I’ll definitely be making a peach variation of these yogurt popsicles—a little peach puree gently folded in without fully incorporating for a swirl effect? Yes, please! If you’re looking for something elegant to serve at the end of a summer dinner party, figs and/or bright jewel-like plums would also be great. Or if you want to forego the fruit all together, try chocolate chips or chopped Oreos (cookies and cream yogurt popsicles FTW.) OH! And if you can get mochi where you are, toss a few chopped pieces into the mix—chewy mochi + fresh fruit is a delightful combination.

Fruit & Yogurt Popsicles: Recipe Instructions

Whip the cream with a whisk until just before soft peaks start to form. In other words, you should be able to see lines in the cream as you whisk it, but it should not reach soft peak stage. In other words, you want it to no longer be liquid, but you also don’t want too much air in your cream.

Fold in the yogurt and honey…

Followed by your desired fruit.

You can split your yogurt base into two or three batches and do several versions if you like:

Make sure your popsicle molds are dry (we use a thin cloth and a chopstick to push the cloth inside each popsicle mold to make sure they’re dry), or you’ll get ice crystals on your popsicles. Pour the mixture into dry popsicle molds, making sure there are no air pockets. A chopstick or extra popsicle stick is a great way to tamp down the yogurt mixture and fill in any holes. Finally, tap the popsicles against the counter to pop any air bubbles. Add popsicle sticks to the center of each one and transfer to the freezer. Freeze for at least 4 hours before enjoying.

We hope you enjoy these this summer!


4 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 64 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 394 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 444 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 524 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 34 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 214 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 464 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 534 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 724 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 504 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 414 Ingredient Fruit   Yogurt Popsicles - 56